Scientific know-how on your side.
In order to make smart economic and political decisions, we need a solid foundation of knowledge backed by facts. The natural sciences are becoming increasingly important, as the public discussions on climate protection, energy supply, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology show. A broad, fundamental understanding of the most important scientific relationships is also essential for a vibrant democracy. 4π offers understandable representations of complex scientific issues. The variety of topics ranges from the greenhouse effect and quantum computing to the Big Bang. 4π follows the scientifically proven findings objectively and calmly.
A European Green Deal:
Implementing the Paris Climate Agreement by regulating financial flows
Regulation (EU) 2020/852, known in EU jargon as the "Taxonomy Regulation", is a key piece of legislation designed to contribute to the European Green Deal by encouraging private investment in green and sustainable projects. In cooperation with Dydon AI we are involved in the development of the so-called "Taxo-Tool".
DYDON AI is a Swiss company offering transparent and flexible AI solution for Sustainable Finance (Fintech), Insurtech and Medtech.
The Sustainable Finance AI Suite provides a fast, easy, traceable and transparent assessment of all the necessary criteria to rank and analyse the sustainability level concerning ESG, EU Taxonomy and Supply Chain Risk.
The core technology of our AI Suite is based on Natural Language Processing (NLP), taxonomies, and on NeuroFuzzy logic, integrated with other models. Based on a solid technology, Dydon AI can build further develop functionalities for your specific company needs.
- Climate change mitigation
- Adaptation to climate change
- Sustainable use of water resources
- Change to a circular economy
- Pollution prevention
- Protection of ecosystems and biodiversity
additionally: Fulfillment of minimum social standards
Target groups:
- EU member states and the EU itself
- Financial market participants that provide financial products (usually banks)
Companies that are required to submit so-called "non-financial statements",
i.e., large, capital market-oriented companies as defined in the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch)
that employ an annual average of more than 500 employees.
- Green investments must be taxonomy compliant.
- Conditions and thresholds are defined in a comprehensive EU regulatory framework
- Banks and companies will be subject to reporting requirements
- The focus is on financial investments and investments
So far, more than 90 industries from agriculture, manufacturing,
water management, power generation, transportation and buildings are covered
- Climate change mitigation: Reduction of CO2 emissions.
- Climate change adaption: Adaptation to climate change
Do no significant harm (DNSH): Activities to achieve one of the six goals should not
affect the achievement of any of the other five goals. -
Compliance with minimum social standards in accordance with
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
International Bill of Human Rights
Valid since 1.1.2022 with the aim of bringing emissions to zero. For this purpose, the limits are regularly tightened.
4pi-Sciencelab provides the necessary background knowledge on this topic in the form of consulting, coaching and training courses.
Those who know little must believe a lot. More and more often, entrepreneurs, politicians or entire industries are helplessly at the mercy of the arguments of individual interest groups due to a lack of scientific background knowledge. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to correctly assess the effects of new technologies and new regulations. 4π can provide additional knowledge to better defend one's own position with sound arguments in discussions. However, knowledge also helps to make the right business decisions and to bring products and services closer to the customer.
- Benefits and risks of the energy transition
- Pros and cons of air travel
- Pros and cons of electromobility
- Risks and opportunities of artificial intelligence
- Benefits and risks of the EU Green Deal
4π offers the organization and implementation of seminars, training courses and conferences for decision-makers, employees, customers or private individuals. In doing so, 4π also takes care of the assignment of top-class speakers on a wide variety of topics. The events are adapted to the prior knowledge of the respective group of participants. If desired, the entire organization can be taken over, including booking the venue and creating the program.
- Symposium on Size Selected Clusters Davos
- Seminar on climate for highly gifted students
Anyone planning projects or investments today usually does so on the basis of studies. Likewise, scientific analyses are increasingly also used to enforce political goals. The result of a study depends sensitively on the type of data collection and the evaluation method. In addition, 4π meta-study can analyze similarities and differences between different studies on the same topic.
- Costs of the energy transition
- Importance of fossil fuels for less developed countries.
4π stands for well-attended events and captivating lectures. Whether an evening, festive or seminar lecture - the audience will not be bored and will gain new insights. Even with a topic that seems dry at first glance, such as the theory of relativity, our lectures achieve millions of YouTube clicks.
- Theory of relativity for laymen
- What was before the big bang?
- How will we live in 100 years?
Video tutorials on the functional principles of new products can persuade customers to buy. They are also suitable for employee training when it comes to introducing new technologies or making arguments in customer meetings. Textbook-based background knowledge delivered in understandable videos can help citizens make difficult policy decisions.
- How the new mRNA vaccines works
- The EU taxonomy regulation
- Energy storage